Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

Linking up for my first Sunday Social!!! :)

What is your favorite Fall activity?
The last couple of Fall's, one of my favorite activities is the Fall Youth Retreat I help out with at my church. I am all about camps and being outdoors and youth ministry. This retreat is a mix of it all, plus I love the kids in the youth group so that helps out. I love the little weekend get away with them.


Do you follow a football team? If so which one and why?
Yes! I am a newbie Green Bay Packers fan. I know I know, it makes me seem like a bandwagon fan, and it is terrible of me to not be a fan for my local teams, but let me explain. Growing up, I was never in to football. I was all about Baseball and Basketball. During High School, I had thought about getting into football, and in college I had decided I really wanted to. Problem is, the 49ers and the Raiders were my first options, and I don't like either of those teams because the fans cause dangerous drama I don't want to be a part of. Last summer, when I really had set my mind on watching football in the fall, I was living in Idaho. All of my friends around me were Green Bay fans, so I said hey why not? Plus I hear that they are the only NFL team not owned by one rich idiot. The city still owns that team! Thus, my choice in liking the Packers.

What is something fun about Fall in your area?
I honestly do not know of much cool things about Fall in my area. Generally in Fall I am swamped with school and working, so I don't get out much. I really want to go up to Apple Hill this year, which is a perfect Fall getaway for the day. Hopefully with no school for me this fall, I can find some neat things about fall in my area. Oh, I also can't forget about corn mazes! They are always a fun activity in the fall! 


Fav Fall outfit staples? 
I love boots, cardigans, scarves, toms, leggings, and jeans. Probably all I rock in the fall. 

so great!
this is adorable

Thing you are looking forward to most about this coming Fall season?
I am totally looking forward to football season because I am a fantasy football player, and I really like the competitive parts of doing that. I also look forward for it to be cool enough to enjoy hot coffee because I like hot coffee drinks over cold drinks, and it really isn't enjoyable to drink a hot coffee when it is 100+ degrees out. Thanks a lot California! 

Favorite Fall holiday? Traditions?
Thanksgiving is totally my fave fall holiday. I love the food because Turkey is my absolute favorite! Plus all the really yummy desserts on thanksgiving! I also really like it because it is a time for the family to get together. As for traditions, one thing I love about my family is that there is no division between my mom's side and my dad's side. We all celebrate together. Everyone brings thier favorite dish, and after dinner we always play some sort of board game which I love! Also, around Thanksgiving my dad's side of the family get's together for a family picture. It is something we have been doing for as long as I can remember. I think it started when I was born or a little after. So either in 1990 or 1991. 


Here's to Fall!
Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why I love the Summer Olympics

I absolutely love the summer Olympics, and I have for as long as I remember. So tonight's blog is the top reasons why I love them!

1. Women's gymnastics has always been my favorite! It all started with the "Magnificent Seven", with my favorite being Dominique Moceanu. Another plus to gymnastics? Scrunchies. After watching some olympics this summer, I have had a HUGE desire to go buy some scrunchies to rock them. 

2. Synchronized Diving. I know this doesn't seem as exciting as some other events, but it is just SO impressive! I can't imagine doing this, and most of the people are just SO good at being in perfect sync. It just is amazing to watch. 

3. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings are the best. I mean, even if you aren't from the US you have to realize these women are beasts and amazing. I love volleyball and watching the amazing connection and team work between these girls just makes watching this sport so much better. 

4. Missy Franklin is so inspirational for young swimmers out there. (Which is not me). She is only 17 and is making her Olympic dreams come true. I am so impressed by her skills at such a young age. I also love her for the fact that she refused to leave Colorado to train somewhere else because she loved her school and hometown and her own coach. People probably find that crazy, which makes her gold medal so much more worthy. 

5. As much as I sometimes dislike Michael Phelps, watching him break Olympic Medal history was just amazing to see. I can't believe that after 48 years someone finally set a new record, and not just someone but an American! Because great things like this happen is why I just love the Olympics!

So there is a my PSA about the Olympics, and just how amazing they are. Back to finishing up my Olympic watching! :)