Saturday, July 28, 2012

This is Country Music...

And we do. :)

On Thursday night I got to go to the Brad Paisley concert at Sleep Train Amphitheater! Let's just say it was AMAZING! Brad Paisley is such a great singer/entertainer. He has songs that are so real and romantic, and then just really silly songs that just make you laugh. It is why I love him so much! I would totally go see him again. 

We got to the concert a little early, and decided to be rednecks and drink beer in the parking lot even with giant signs that say no tailgating. Woops. :) 

Once inside, we just hung out and bought some souvenirs, and of course took as many pictures as we could while we had some time to kill. 


And then the performances start. Easton Corbin was first up, and was so good! He only got to play a couple of songs, and I really wish he could have gotten to sang a few more. He sang of course his big hit "Lovin' you is Fun", and his first hit "A little more Country than That". He also sang some new ones I hadn't heard before. Justine, one of the girls I went with, is absolutely in love with him, and is generally a loud person. She obviously screamed super loud when he was announced, and the couple sitting near us was a little older, and also sitting sort of close so the guy got a nice earful of her scream. He seemed to be joking and commented on her lungs, and they both seemed to laugh it off. But then his wife, sternly looks over at her and says "Could you not do that again?" as if she was upset over it! I looked at her and let her know that this was a concert and that people were going to yell. She was just so RUDE I wanted to hit her. Maybe my beer had kicked in or something. haha.

Up next was one of my favorite groups, The Band Perry. Man were they good!! They sang so many songs, and they were really entertaining. They did a couple of covers which was super fun. They were a really good set up for Brad Paisley, and Kimberly Perry is just SUCH a good singer! 

And then of course, the main act himself was up. And he just rocked it! He is interactive, and fun, and really knows how to please a crowd! He even came out into the back of the seats to perform because he said that is where he used to sit, so he understands not being able to afford the up close seats. What a guy! There was no sitting during his performance, but instead there was dancing, clapping, singing, and a little bit of foot stomping. This is why I love country music!!! 

And to end the night off with a bang, we stayed after the show to get to meet Easton Corbin! We got a picture as well as an autpgraph!! So exciting and cool! And he isn't hard on the eyes so that was a bonus. 

The night was overall amazing and I loved every minute! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Finally a good one!

This weekend was actually a really good weekend! =)
Friday was my day off and let's just say it was great. As noted in my friday letter's blog, I slept until 11:30 which was amazing. I made this work by closing my window and blinds and keeping my phone on silent. It worked very well. After that, I went on a 5.5 mile bike ride with my dad, which was a nice feeling. And then to just finish off my day great I went and got my hair did. Here is my before and after. I love the after. 

After that I went to a River Cats game with my family. I haven't been to a baseball game in a while so it was totally fun. 

Saturday, I worked as usual, but after that I headed to a BBQ at my church, and then got to go to yet another River Cats game. This was with a lot more people so it was nice. I enjoyed a beer and a half and apparently got "chatty". What can I say I guess I am a light weight? Sadly the person I rode with wanted to leave early because rumor was the party was going to continue, but that didn't happen so I left early to go home. I wasn't thrilled but what can you do? It was still a fun night. 

Sunday was another great Sunday because it was another day off! This meant another church morning followed by some quick catching up with my bestie, and then a pool party for the youth group. I haven't really been swimming at all this summer, so it was actually fun. I am not a huge swimmer, most likely because I don't really know how to swim, I just know how to not drown. Regardless, it was a great day and it wiped me out completely! But it was totally worth it. I thought it would help me sleep very well last night, but unfortunately there was a terrible and random lightning/thunder storm going on that kept me up  most of the night. 

But overall the weekend rocked! Hope everyone else loved the weekend! =]

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What's in a friend?

Sometimes, it really puzzles me how people decide on what makes a friend. For me, all I want in a friend is someone I can hang out with and enjoy my time, someone who I can have a great conversation with, someone I trust, and someone who just seems to make life better. I like to hope that most people only need those types of things in a friend. Recently in life, I have come to the conclusion that how easy it is for me to consider someone a friend, others do not feel the same.

It's unfortunate for me when I stumble on that person who I consider a friend, only to find that the feeling is not as mutual. Or maybe, I just get to attached to people I want as a friend. I mean, I like to think that when people hang out together and it is enjoyable that it can become an actual friendship? I tend to just get that feeling of people hanging out only due to the circumstance, and it doesn't matter if they enjoy their hang out, it can only happen under that one circumstance. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

I know this seems like a ridiculous rant, but it is just something that has been bothering me. I just feel as if I have had people cone into my life that I feel are friends, but when it comes to communicating and doing things out of the circumstances, the ball gets dropped. Sometimes, I feel as if I just want to befriend anyone I enjoy, while the people I enjoy don't want to befriend me because maybe I am not as enjoyable? That is just the negative nancy in me talking. I know it is more so that I have this high standard in friendships due to the amazing friends I have in my life. I mean when you have the worlds best of friends, it is really hard to get those average friends you come by to compare.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Friday gotta write some letters on Friday!


Another post of Friday's letters!

Dear Blog, you look is sort of blah. I need to spice you up a little bit. Time to get tech savy!

Dear Friday, I am so thankful you are my day off. I have so much planned for you today including a bike ride, getting my hair done, and just relaxing a little.

Dear Body, Why on earth were you so tired today? I almost had a heart attack when I woke up and it was 11:30!  I guess that's what happens when you close the blinds, shut the windows, and leave your phone on silent.

Dear Brad Paisley, I am beyond excited for your concert next week.  I can't wait to rock out and get my country on to all your amazing hits. Thanks for letting The Band Perry and Easton Corbin be your opening acts. They are quite amazing as well, but nothing compares to you.

Dear Families of the Colorado shooting victims, My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Such a horrific tragedy that happens, and I can't imagine the horror you are experiencing right now.

Dear Hair,  Please cooperate while getting a change today. I need a new look and I am hoping you turn out amazing!! I really could really use a look that will age me a couple of years. Thanks.

Dear Summer Heat,  I am looking forward to you a little bit, but I won't like you if you stay for too long.

Thanks for Friday's Letter for another link up! 
Happy Weekend!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

My blog title makes it seem as if my weekend was maybe was exciting, when really it was not. But when I thought about the weekend that is the song that came to mind. Here goes to another blog hop!

Friday, I spent all day in a car, because I was on my way home from Portland. Let's just say I am super glad I chose to call shot gun.  It was nice to chat it up with Nick about some future youth group stuff. Let's face it, if I got to make my own life perfect, I would get paid to help out with youth group, and it is all I would do. :)

Saturday, I worked. Surprise surprise. It was sort of nice to be back at work, although, I didn't start until 12, and that meant I worked until 8. Good thing about being liked at work? I got to leave at 7:30. WOO! I am so used to work 9 to 5 that working till 8 was killer. Marc came over once he was off work, and it was really nice to see him. I really do miss him when I take these week long adventures.

Sunday, was a really exciting day because I finally got to go back to church. I love going to church, and it was really killing me not being able to go these last weeks. I feel as if church is getting a bad rap these days, because some people feel as if church is judgmental and is not accepting to all and that they don't really show religion correctly. I totally get where people come from, but for me, being in the house of God surrounded by fellow believers in our intimate setting is great. I love every minute of it. :) Church is just my place to be one on one with God and be encouraged by his word. Good thing I worked out with my boss to where I shouldn't be missing any more church. Praise the Lord. And I also chose the best time to make my return because Sunday was the first day of a new series we are doing.

That was my fun filled weekend! Hopefully next time I do a blog hop like this one my weekend will be a little more eventful. Hope everyone else had a great weekend! Cheers!! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My last week in a nutshell..

Last week, I got the opportunity to go to Camp Lutherwood in Oregon. 
To start it off, the idea was totally weird to me, because like stated in previous blogs, I have been a Shoshone girl for almost 10 years. But I was given an opportunity to work with adults with disabilities which seemed like a great opportunity. I went with Nick and 3 other college age kids from church. I was pretty excited for another get away, but experienced some disappointments. 
I promise I will try to keep this post as positive as I can. 

I have gotten pretty used to long car rides, but this one was only half the length of what I am used to so that was a total plus on this adventure. When we got to camp, it was so different from what I am used too, and a lot less remote. The most irritating part was not being seen as an adult when we arrived, although they later informed us that was intentional, I don't quite agree with their tactics.
Having a bad first impression at camp is really similar to a bad first impression with a person, and it was hard for me to get over my initial reaction to things. It didn't help that I was not the only one feeling the frustration. Have you ever been around someone who has an attitude? I remember how contagious that is, and not that I want to blame someone else for my behavior and attitude, but lets just say it did not help. 

After a day and half of being irritated and comparing Lutherwood to Shoshone, it was finally time for the guests to arrive. I was very excited for this to happen and to get to the real focus on camp. The week with them consisted of many games of uno, lots of puzzles, and one rousing game of bingo. I loved every minute of hanging out with these people. I am sure it was way more eye opening to others to find how "normal"  these people are, but I already had a little idea because my best friend's brother is an adult with disability. And as for the communicating with others who can't communicate well, that part came a little easier as well because for 2 years I dealt with my grandmother who had a stroke and couldn't communicate well either. What it comes down to in those situations is you really just have to listen. Something a lot of people don't do well. I guess it is a skill that one must work on. 

The week overall was great, and I really wish I would have given myself an attitude adjustment from the get go, because I truly felt as if I missed out on things and didn't get all I could have gotten out of this trip because I was a debbie downer. If I had to pick out a favorite moment, it would be when I got to sit next to one of the campers, and we played bingo. I helped him out, and he really enjoyed the game. But what he enjoyed more was the fact that he got a number way more often then I did. In the time we played he got 3 bingo's, one of which was a blackout Bingo, while I got none. I am not quite sure how that is possible, but to see the fun that Will was having was worth more than a Bingo. 

And now jsut a few of my favorite pictures from the week. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Letters

Trying this whole "linking up" thing.


Dear 4th of July, Thanks for kicking my summer into gear. I finally feel as if I am going to enjoy the rest of summer.

Dear blogger world, this is all still new to me, please allow me to become a better blogger.

Dear Brad Paisley, I am super stoked about seeing you in concert, and can't wait to be rocking out to this is country music, camouflage, and all your other fabulous songs!

Dear 15 year old teen kids who think it is cool to smoke outside the mall, it's not, and its gross watching all 8 of you pass around the same cigarette that you bummed off some person. Yuck!

Dear people who use profanity in every sentence, Do you realize exactly how uneducated you sound? Why must you add the F bomb to every sentence? It just sounds stupid and gross.

Dear Friday,  I am so thankful that you are my day off, and I will not be setting any sort of alarm tomorrow! Praise the Lord!!

Dear summer, Thanks for the nice weather lately! It has been nice enough to ride around with just the window down and enjoy the fresh air as I blast my country music. Yee Haw!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue

Hope everyone had an AMAZING and safe 4th of July. 
I started mine off right by a day of work. 
(with no holiday pay.)
But I managed to escape work early and head to my traditional spot at my best friends house.
Her block does a get together and makes really good food and dessert.
(the homemade ice cream is the BEST!)

I am trying to become a beer drinker, and the 4th felt like the perfect time to keep it up!
That bowl is full of homemade ice cream, my favorite ice cream in the world.

Last year I spent my 4th of July at the Murray dumb in Idaho, which may not sound like the best thing ever, but to be honest it was the most memorable 4th of July ever. As much as I love my 4th of July tradition, that one will always hold a special place in my heart. 

This year was fun though, and I love spending time with my Claire Bear, and sparklers are our thang fo sho.

And to leave everyone off with my favorite American song, because I am SO proud to be an Amurraycan, Toby Keith sings about America so well. Enjoy this song! It is a great song any day of the year. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

dreams are a wish your heart makes...

And my heart wishes to have a wedding. Unfortunately, me and the boyfran aren't quite ready to tie the knot.  (although I am pretty sure our families are.)
I have decided that I watch WAY to much "Say Yes to the Dress", and I love looking at wedding dresses! One day, and probably sooner than later, I will be getting married, until then, I have decided to share my favorite dresses thanks to the addicting show. 

Alita Graham Sweetheart A-Line Gown

Pnina Tornai Sweetheart Ball Gown in Lace (LOVE Pnina!)

Hayley Paige Sweetheart Ball Gown In Organza

And to end it with my love for vintage:

Lazaro Sweetheart Sheath Gown in Beaded Embroidery 

These are just some of my favorite styles/designers. No wedding for me yet, but I am pretty prepared for when the day comes. :)

All dresses were found here, thanks to the show <3