Sunday, July 22, 2012

What's in a friend?

Sometimes, it really puzzles me how people decide on what makes a friend. For me, all I want in a friend is someone I can hang out with and enjoy my time, someone who I can have a great conversation with, someone I trust, and someone who just seems to make life better. I like to hope that most people only need those types of things in a friend. Recently in life, I have come to the conclusion that how easy it is for me to consider someone a friend, others do not feel the same.

It's unfortunate for me when I stumble on that person who I consider a friend, only to find that the feeling is not as mutual. Or maybe, I just get to attached to people I want as a friend. I mean, I like to think that when people hang out together and it is enjoyable that it can become an actual friendship? I tend to just get that feeling of people hanging out only due to the circumstance, and it doesn't matter if they enjoy their hang out, it can only happen under that one circumstance. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

I know this seems like a ridiculous rant, but it is just something that has been bothering me. I just feel as if I have had people cone into my life that I feel are friends, but when it comes to communicating and doing things out of the circumstances, the ball gets dropped. Sometimes, I feel as if I just want to befriend anyone I enjoy, while the people I enjoy don't want to befriend me because maybe I am not as enjoyable? That is just the negative nancy in me talking. I know it is more so that I have this high standard in friendships due to the amazing friends I have in my life. I mean when you have the worlds best of friends, it is really hard to get those average friends you come by to compare.

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