Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Letters

Trying this whole "linking up" thing.


Dear 4th of July, Thanks for kicking my summer into gear. I finally feel as if I am going to enjoy the rest of summer.

Dear blogger world, this is all still new to me, please allow me to become a better blogger.

Dear Brad Paisley, I am super stoked about seeing you in concert, and can't wait to be rocking out to this is country music, camouflage, and all your other fabulous songs!

Dear 15 year old teen kids who think it is cool to smoke outside the mall, it's not, and its gross watching all 8 of you pass around the same cigarette that you bummed off some person. Yuck!

Dear people who use profanity in every sentence, Do you realize exactly how uneducated you sound? Why must you add the F bomb to every sentence? It just sounds stupid and gross.

Dear Friday,  I am so thankful that you are my day off, and I will not be setting any sort of alarm tomorrow! Praise the Lord!!

Dear summer, Thanks for the nice weather lately! It has been nice enough to ride around with just the window down and enjoy the fresh air as I blast my country music. Yee Haw!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. Hi Danielle!
    This was my very first link up to - lucky I clicked on your blog then, haha ;) Also, a big welcome to blogland - u will meet amazing people here. If you ever have questions, just shoot me an email :)

  2. Welcome to blog world! You will love it! We're all here for ya!


    have a good one!
