Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Friday gotta write some letters on Friday!


Another post of Friday's letters!

Dear Blog, you look is sort of blah. I need to spice you up a little bit. Time to get tech savy!

Dear Friday, I am so thankful you are my day off. I have so much planned for you today including a bike ride, getting my hair done, and just relaxing a little.

Dear Body, Why on earth were you so tired today? I almost had a heart attack when I woke up and it was 11:30!  I guess that's what happens when you close the blinds, shut the windows, and leave your phone on silent.

Dear Brad Paisley, I am beyond excited for your concert next week.  I can't wait to rock out and get my country on to all your amazing hits. Thanks for letting The Band Perry and Easton Corbin be your opening acts. They are quite amazing as well, but nothing compares to you.

Dear Families of the Colorado shooting victims, My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Such a horrific tragedy that happens, and I can't imagine the horror you are experiencing right now.

Dear Hair,  Please cooperate while getting a change today. I need a new look and I am hoping you turn out amazing!! I really could really use a look that will age me a couple of years. Thanks.

Dear Summer Heat,  I am looking forward to you a little bit, but I won't like you if you stay for too long.

Thanks for Friday's Letter for another link up! 
Happy Weekend!


  1. Don't you wish the summer heat would last a week and then go away? haha! That's how I feel anyway, it's nice but then it gets old and gross!! ;D I found you on Friday's Letters! Have a great weekend! xoxo P.S. Awesome name! haha!

  2. the heat is such a touchy subject. I hate when it is here forever but then when I get a little cold I wish it would come back. haha. Thanks!

    PS right back at you! :)
