Monday, July 16, 2012

Cheers to the freakin' weekend!

My blog title makes it seem as if my weekend was maybe was exciting, when really it was not. But when I thought about the weekend that is the song that came to mind. Here goes to another blog hop!

Friday, I spent all day in a car, because I was on my way home from Portland. Let's just say I am super glad I chose to call shot gun.  It was nice to chat it up with Nick about some future youth group stuff. Let's face it, if I got to make my own life perfect, I would get paid to help out with youth group, and it is all I would do. :)

Saturday, I worked. Surprise surprise. It was sort of nice to be back at work, although, I didn't start until 12, and that meant I worked until 8. Good thing about being liked at work? I got to leave at 7:30. WOO! I am so used to work 9 to 5 that working till 8 was killer. Marc came over once he was off work, and it was really nice to see him. I really do miss him when I take these week long adventures.

Sunday, was a really exciting day because I finally got to go back to church. I love going to church, and it was really killing me not being able to go these last weeks. I feel as if church is getting a bad rap these days, because some people feel as if church is judgmental and is not accepting to all and that they don't really show religion correctly. I totally get where people come from, but for me, being in the house of God surrounded by fellow believers in our intimate setting is great. I love every minute of it. :) Church is just my place to be one on one with God and be encouraged by his word. Good thing I worked out with my boss to where I shouldn't be missing any more church. Praise the Lord. And I also chose the best time to make my return because Sunday was the first day of a new series we are doing.

That was my fun filled weekend! Hopefully next time I do a blog hop like this one my weekend will be a little more eventful. Hope everyone else had a great weekend! Cheers!! :)


  1. Aside from the work part it sounds like a pretty good weekend ;)

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  2. Thanks for hosting the link up!! I am starting to love blog hops and link ups!!

