Friday, June 22, 2012

No fear of germs

So first off I am posting a blog from my iPhone. Oh what technology has progressed too. Just thought I would start off with that. Next, this is a quick blog that was on my mind,one about my great week at camp will come tomorrow with pictures. And now to the title of my blog. So I know there are a lot of people out there who freak out about germs (my sister included) and just can't stand sharing certain things. For example, my sister freaks out about sharing Chapstick and is not a fan of me bei thirsty and taking a swig of her water. My mom doesn't enjoy that ether but I think she has just tolerated my rudeness. But me, I am different. Things like that don't weird me out even a little bit. I learned this early on in life by the fact that whenever I was thirsty I simply would find a drink and drink it. I didn't care whose it was. Last summer, I realized even more how carefree I am about these things. I had a tendency to leave my water bottle in the office at camp, and people just drank from it. As opposed to being grossed out, I just decided to consider it a community water bottle. Although the germaphobics refused to drink from it. Beats being dehydrated if you ask me! Point of blog? I found my limit! The other day I learned even more that I was willin to tolerate. I had an ice cream cone, no spoon just a scoop in a cone, and a close fried of mind asked for a bite. I handed over my cone as he took a bite. No bg deal. Then a person who I had recently met asked if he could have some. I said sure and then he stuck his finger in my ice cream. This is where I drew he line. That was the first time I was grossed out by germs like that. So I told him he needed to eat off where he had just stuck his finger. A bite is better than a dirty hand! Yuck! It also made me think about sharing Chapstick. I don't mind sharing but why would I rather you stick your dirty finger on my chapstick instead of just usin your lips? Makes no sense to me! Anyways, here is my random blog post. Be ready for a better one next time!

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